- gcookbook::aaplApple stock data
- gcookbook::anthomingHoming in desert ants
- gcookbook::cabbage_expSummary of cabbages data set
- gcookbook::climateGlobal climate temperature anomaly data from 1800 to 2011
- gcookbook::corneasCorneal thickness of eyes
- gcookbook::countriesHealth and economic data about countries around the world from 1960-2010
- gcookbook::drunkConvictions for drunkenness
- gcookbook::heightweightHeight and weight of schoolchildren
- gcookbook::isabelData from simulation of hurricane Isabel
- gcookbook::madmenSuccessful sexual relations in Mad Men (TV show)
- gcookbook::madmen2Attempted sexual relations in Mad Men (TV show)
- gcookbook::marathonMarathon and half-marathon times
- gcookbook::pg_meanMeans of results from an experiment on plant growth
- gcookbook::plumPlum root cuttings (long format)
- gcookbook::plum_widePlum root cuttings (wide format)
- gcookbook::simpledatSimple example data set
- gcookbook::simpledat_longSimple example data set (long format)
- gcookbook::tgSummarized ToothGrowth data
- gcookbook::tophitters2001Batting averages of the top hitters in Major League Baseball in 2001
- gcookbook::uspopageAge distribution of population in the United States, 1900-2002
- gcookbook::uspopchangeChange in population of states in the U.S. between 2000 and 2010
- gcookbook::windWind speed and direction
- gcookbook::worldpopWorld population estimates from 10,000 B.C. to 2,000 A.D.